Sunday 9 August 2015

A Very Short Update

I wanted to write a short post to explain that I may be slowing down with my - admittedly already sparse - blogging. I have just started a new job, which is consuming all of my brain space. So until I get settled in to my exciting and scary new job role I won't have much time to fit my blogging in.

However, I have acquired some new games this month! And I'm excited about playing them and writing about them.

So look out for posts about the above games in the not too distant future.

I will also do my best to keep up to date with Bidmeadman's Besties.

I always wish I could be blogging more, but I haven't been doing it for very long, and finding time for it has proven trickier than I imagined it would. Thank you for baring with me, and I will continue my attempt to share my passion for games with you.