Wednesday 13 May 2015

ChrisCon 2015: part one

This year is a milestone year for me. My birthday is in November, and to celebrate I had the idea to host a week long gaming party, and call it "ChrisCon".

The early May bank holiday was coming up, so as a way to trial the idea with my family and friends (and as an opportunity to play some games, obviously) my wife and I put on "ChrisCon 2015: part one"; a gathering to take place from Sunday afternoon until the Monday night, where people could come and play lots of games. My thought was lets take this hobby seriously for a change.

So, we invited the people in our lives whom we felt would enjoy the opportunity, organised baby sitting (for the Sunday at least), cleared tables and floor space, got snacks in, and hoped for the best.

It seemed to go pretty well.

People came with enthusiasm and vigour.

Our close friends and gaming regulars, Sarah and Andy, brought with them every game from their collection that I didn't already have (which was most of their collection).

Adam, a man I don't get to game with anywhere near often enough, presented me with the gift of a print and play party game along the lines of Mafia or Werewolf. Unfortunately we never got around to playing it, but it is something I will definitely be trying out soon!

Lots of games were played. People revelled in classics, and fell in love with new ones. Playthroughs ranged from 15 minutes to 3 hours. There was elation, frustration and laughter.

And the consensus from most was that two days wasn't long enough.

It was a fantastic two days full a games. Something, as a parent and someone who works Saturdays and most bank holidays, is usually just a pipe dream. It was an experience that made me look back and wish I had gotten into board games a lot earlier. But we made it happen and it was fantastic.

So, ChrisCon 2015: part two - coming November.

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